==== Eva Ursprung ==== Project: [[projects:courtship sound of piranha]] - Soundscape from underwater --- Eva Ursprung lives and works in Graz/Austria. studies of psychology and linguistics. since 1986, she has been active as artist, making installations, performances, art in the public, electronic and social space. Her medium includes video, conceptual photography and analogue/electronic sound. She was editor and publisher of the feminist art magazine EVA & CO. (1982-1992), 1993 founding of [[http://was.mur.at|Kunstverein W.A.S.]] (Womyn´s Art Support), 1997 founding of the mailing-list [[http://www.mur.at/42|42]]; 2004-2006 member of [[http://ltnc.mur.at|ltnc]] (Lady Tigers Night club); since 2004 Broccoli Art Group, 1998-2003 Curator for visual arts at [[http://forum.mur.at|Forum Stadtpark Graz]], Since 2005 member of [[http://ima.or.at|IMA]] (Institute for Media Archeology), As a founding member, she has since 2008 president of [[http://schaumbad.mur.at|Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz]] http://ursprung.mur.at